22 October 2014

Miscellanea, etc. / 22 Oct 2014

miscellanea, n.
Syllabification: mis·cel·la·ne·a
Pronunciation: /ˌmisəˈlānēə /
Miscellaneous items, especially literary compositions, 
that have been collected together.

see miscellaneous, adj.
(Of items or people gathered or considered together) 
of various types or from different sources.

- Origin -
early 17th century: from Latin miscellaneus 
(from miscellus 'mixed', from miscere 'to mix') + -ous
In earlier use the word also described a person as 'having various qualities'.

// From the Oxford English Dictionary

Miscellanea: One of my favorite words, and one that well describes the many open tabs in my browser, the lists of links to check out that accumulate in my Evernote (that virtual trunk of stuff).

I've unearthed some of the interesting bits, so here are 5 links that have caught my eye in the last couple weeks, a mix of serious, random, and fun:

1 million Americans with an illness we don't really understand too well, and why

A family remembers their vibrant daughter Phoebe, who died earlier this term at MIT

On Haiti's former dictator Baby Doc and the legacy he left behind

Competition comes to the kitchen, and we the roaring fans

Why some of us can't help but reach for that nth cup of joe

Don't fall too far down the rabbit hole, though.

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