03 September 2009

bon voyage, e+j!

maybe not the most flattering picture of us, but it's us nonetheless in typical fashion.

Last week I was at home for a bit of a whirlwind visit with family and friends, and I thankfully got to be around to say bye to my good friends Eric and Jen. It was bittersweet - bitter because I was sad to have my BBB's ("Best Blue Bell Buddies") moving across the globe to Hawaii, but sweet because I know this was very much an answer to prayers for them.

This is one couple that I could always hang out with and never feel like the "third wheel." It was so comfortable that I even witnessed firsthand their bickerings without a flinch - that baring of dirty laundry, indeed, is the mark of friendship! (Yes, Jen is probably making a face as she reads this :P )

But anyways, in typical e+j fashion, I hung out at their place late into the night as a last (well, almost last) good bye. They put me to work in helping them to pack and also handed off some things to me to take. It was actually pretty amusing - I almost felt like they were trying to entice me with the various items they still had in great salesperson fashion: "this makes a GREAT travel pillow - compact - lightweight - and has a cool hawaiian print as well!"

hard at work, and trying not to snap too many of the bubbles

tired by the end of it all

after many takes...the acceptable self-take

Oh Chens...you will be missed! From my first encounter with them in GCC family group to their engagement to their wedding in Hawaii, late night talks, "family" dinners, and lengthy email exchanges... well, we'll just have to make more memories at a longer distance. Here's to heart friends!


  1. oh em, we love you!!! last week was so crazy... thank god for your help! you are our favorite third wheel and we will always be BBBBs, NAF. if my attire hasn't proven that, i don't know what will! :)
